Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Factory Default Configuration and Disabling Logical Domains

How to Remove All Guest Domains

  1. Stop all domains by using the -a option.
    primary# ldm stop-domain -a
  2. Unbind all domains except for the primary domain.
    primary# ldm unbind-domain ldom

    Note - You might be unable to unbind an I/O domain if it is providing services required by the control domain. In this situation, skip this step.

  3. Destroy all domains except for the primary domain.
    primary# ldm remove-domain -a

How to Remove All Logical Domains Configurations

  1. List all the logical domain configurations that are stored on the service processor (SP).
    primary# ldm list-config
  2. Remove all configurations (config-name) previously saved to the SP except for the factory-default configuration.

    Use the following command for each such configuration:

    primary# ldm rm-config config-name

    After you remove all the configurations previously saved to the SP, the factory-default domain is the next domain to use when the control domain (primary) is rebooted.

How to Restore the Factory Default Configuration

  1. Select the factory default configuration.
    primary# ldm set-config factory-default
  2. Stop the control domain.
    primary# shutdown -i1 -g0 -y
  3. Perform a power cycle of the system to load the factory default configuration.
    -> stop /SYS
    -> start /SYS

How to Disable the Logical Domains Manager

  • Disable the Logical Domains Manager from the control domain.
    primary# svcadm disable ldmd

    Note - Disabling the Logical Domains Manager does not stop any running domains, but does disable the ability to create a new domains, change the configuration of existing domains, or monitor the state of the domains.

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